Guide Pratique D’Education Physique (Deuxieme Édition) - Georges Hérbert




Hygienist, School Heritage, Physical education, Body


Documentary analysis of the Guide Pratique D’Education Physique (Deuxieme Édition) – Georges Hérbert, from 1916, belonging to the collection of the historical library of the Documentary Historical Archive of the “Carlos Gomes” State School, formerly the Escola Normal de Campinas, in the Physical Education section. It was selected by undergraduates from the Physical Education course at UNICAMP, within the Supervised Internship discipline. The students' proposal was to apply, to Elementary School students, from the aforementioned school, some of the exercises contained in the book in a contextualized way, exposing the hygienist nature of the classes that involved bodily practices. Exercises were carried out ordered and separated by gender and then there was a new execution of more current exercises, with male and female students together. After finishing both practical experiences, there was a shared discussion between students, interns and monitor. Considering the reports and notes of the participants, together with the analysis of the book, the relationship between Physical Education and social, political and historical aspects and the bodily relationship with the historical educational heritage in Brazil is evident, a point that presents the historical body , which lives and reflects the moment in which it exists.



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Author Biography

Ricardo Alves Taveira, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil

Graduado em Educação Física, Licenciatura Plena (2003); Mestrado em Educação (2015); Doutorando em Educação, CIVILIS/FE/UNICAMP, desde 2022


Acervo de imagens Grupo CIVILIS.

Acervo de imagens Pessoal.

CASTELLANI FILHO, Lino. Educação física no Brasil: A história que não se conta. 4ª ed. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 1994.

HÉRBERT, Georges. Guide Pratique D’Education Physique (Deuxieme Édition). Paris, 1916.

MENEZES, Maria Cristina. Inventário histórico documental: Escola Normal de Campinas (1903 – 1976) - de Escola Complementar a Instituto de Educação. Campinas, SP: FE/ UNICAMP, 2009.

SOARES, Carmen Lucia. Educação física: raízes europeias e Brasil. 3ª ed. - Campinas, SP: Autores Associados, 2004.

SOUZA, Rosa Fátima de. Preservação do Patrimônio Histórico Escolar no Brasil: notas para um debate. Revista Linhas, Florianópolis, v. 14, n. 26, jan./jun. 2013. p. 199 – 221. Disponível em: Acessado em: 29/11/2023



How to Cite

ALVES TAVEIRA, Ricardo. Guide Pratique D’Education Physique (Deuxieme Édition) - Georges Hérbert. Ridphe_R, Ibero-American Journal of Historical-Educational Patrimony, Campinas, SP, v. 9, n. 00, p. e023012, 2023. DOI: 10.20888/ridphe_r.v9i00.18580. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.