Sensorial analysis of functional preparations developed for 9 to 15 years old students from Campinas/SP


School feeding
Functional foods
Sensorial analysis

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FABIANO, Giovanna; MORAES, Adriane de; BUENO, Rosana; BEZERRA, Rosângela; CUNHA, Diogo da. Sensorial analysis of functional preparations developed for 9 to 15 years old students from Campinas/SP. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 27, p. 1–1, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic2720191852. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The objective of this work was to evaluate the acceptance of functional food preparations developed for school-age children, confirming the possibility to insert them in school menus and contribute to the "Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar" (PNAE). The preparations were elaborated in the "Departamento de Alimentação Escolar da CEASA/CAMPINAS", being: orange cake with green banana biomass, avocado cream with cacao, gelatin with whole grape juice and fruit salad with yacon potato. The centesimal compositon was determinated and functional activity was evaluated analysing the prebiotic capacity, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. In the sensorial analysis, it was observed that two functional preparations were accepted. As a conclusion, food and nutrition education combined with the introduction of functional preparations is indispensable to encourage the creation of healthy eating habits.


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