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Construction of writing
Virtual environment

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REAL, Luciane Magalhães Corte; STEPANSKI, Luciane Marilei Pereira. BLOG: a space for the construction of writing in basic education. Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 1, p. 95–116, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/tsc.v8i1.15349. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Building the writing process has been a challenge from early childhood education to university. In the classroom, copying is still one of the methodologies most used by teachers; the students “copy from the board”. This study was carried out at the computer lab with students from a public school in southern Brazil. Ten classes of the following stages of basic education participated in the research: elementary school, high school and students belonging to the acceleration class. In this article we focused on the study with a fourth year class. It is a qualitative research in the form of a case study whose objective was the analysis of the construction of students' writing and reading on the class Blog. The written productions analyzed were a letter; a book; collective writing about technologies; reflections on a film and interpretations of readings from a book. Categories were raised to understand the construction of students' writing. Interviews carried out at the end of the project were also analyzed, which indicated the preference of students when writing on the computer, because: “in the classroom you have to look at the board and copy”; “In informatics you have to think”; “Can search to improve” among other verbalizations. Thus, the analysis of the data pointed to online writing, as a possibility to perform an autonomous writing path, with resources that can help the student to develop more creatively his / her creativity and protagonism within the teaching-learning process; valuing your writing through shared reading.
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