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Special issue to celebrate Paulo Freire’s Birth Centenary

Journal Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento
Submission deadline: 08/31/2021
Vol. 8, n. 2 (December/2021)

In this year of 2021, we celebrate Paulo Freire’s Birth Centenary (1921-2021), Patron of Brazilian Education. In his work, Paulo Freire invites us to reflect upon building a school based on exchanging knowledge and experiences between educator and student horizontally and democratically.

The dialogue between teacher and student transforms the student in an active learner with awareness to transform the world. For Paulo Freire, Education, when related to the learner’s interests and life context, results in a greater involvement in educational activities and, consequently, in a better understanding of content. As a man of his time, he has always honored and fostered the use of digital technologies in education.

In this special issue, the Journal Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento wants to know and disseminate results of researche and experiences using digital technologies inspired by Paulo Freire’s ideas. Thus, we will prioritize publishing scientific papers, experience reports and books, theses and dissertation summaries with the theme the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) in Education, aligned with the theories and practices derived from Paulo Freire’s philosophy and ideas.

We have highlighted some topics of interest, without being limited to them:

  • The role of DICT and the educator in an emancipatory education with the learner as protagonist in teaching and learning processes;
  • Teacher training for an emancipatory education, mediated by technologies;
  • Learning based on the use of DICT focused on the learner and/or on teaching and learning processes;
  • The learner and their role in formal or informal educational contexts that use DICT focused on educational practices and/or on knowledge building processes;
  • Active methodologies for an innovative education mediated by DICT;
  • Social, affective and motivational aspects mediated by DICT to promote learning;
  • Computer thinking applied to teaching and learning;
  • Design of tools and learning environments based on computer technology and its theoretical-methodological and philosophical fundamentals.

Submissions for volume 8, number 2 (December/2021) have been extended until September 30, 2021 August 31, 2021 in the system

Articles must be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, they cannot not go over 20 pages, and must follow the formatting guidelines at:



José Armando Valente, Ph.D., NIED - UNICAMP, Brazil
Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas, Ph.D., IC/NIED - UNICAMP, Brazil