Instructions for submission
All manuscripts should be electronically submitted according to the Manuscript Preparation and Manuscript Format instructions below, and uploaded using the instructions given in this web page.
If you do not want to be identified by the reviewers (double-blind submission), please, prepare your documents by replacing your name and references to your work only by "Author" every time this is necessary, including the information of property in the files. However, if you prefer the single-blind submission, maintain your name and your work identified when applicable. In single-blind reviews the identity of the reviewer is not disclosed.
Two copies of the electronic manuscript must be submitted, one in PDF and another in MS-Word (2003 or later) format. A third attached file in ASCII (TXT) format, containing a 150-word abstract is also mandatory. The three documents must be uploaded as AuthorName.pdf, AuthorName.doc, and AuthorNameAbstract.txt according to the instructions given after you are logged in.
Manuscript preparation
For preparing the manuscript, please follow the instructions of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors at
For preparing the manuscript, you can use one of the templates:
Manuscript format
General organization
The title must be centered in Times New Roman 14 pt, followed by the manuscript text, which includes an extended abstract, the text body with tables and figures, the optional acknowledgments, the references and an optional appendix. The abstract text must be in Times New Roman 11 pt, italics, centered, and preceded by the word Abstract, also centered in a single line. The abstract must be followed by a set of five keywords. The text body must be prepared in Times New Roman 11 pt or equivalent, one-and-a-half-spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides, and page numbers assigned. The sections should follow the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors referred to in the Manuscript preparation section. All section headings must be numerated with Arabic numbers (1., 1.1. 2., 2.1., etc) on a separate line, in bold and aligned leftwards. Any appendices should follow the text and precede the references.
Papers must include an abstract between 150 and 250 words. Contributions in Portuguese or in French should be accompanied by an abstract in English of the same size.
Tables and figures
All tables and figures should be included as for publishing in the text body. The number and caption of each table should be placed just above the table. The number and caption of each figure should be placed just below the figure. Please, try to make both, tables and figures self-readable by supplementing concise, but complete information in the captions that guide the reader how to interpret them.
Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible.
Additional video or audio files
They are highly recommended. Please prefer easily accessible formats such as WAV and MP3 for audio and WVM for videos.
Please, follow the Vancouver style accessible here:
NOTE: Follow the Vancouver style just for the references.
The manuscripts submitted to this section should be either a paper or a letter. The opening paper should present one of these three themes: a new idea, a new concept or a new way of connecting current ideas; the discussion of old ideas and theories in the light of new data; a debate of an object of study across distinct theories. All three themes should highlight the possibility for new developments to stimulate scientific debate. The letters should comment on this opening paper by discussing its ideas and proposals. Opening paper and letters, if accepted, will not be necessarily published in the same issue. If not, the letters will be published in the next issue. A debate section editor is designated to ensure this policy.
Letter to the editor
The manuscripts submitted to this section should be a research proposal, a theme for discussion, a topic directed to the editor which will be not submitted to additional review. If this is necessary, please, submit the paper to the Debate section.
Short papers
This section receives papers of less than 5,000 words which address scientific questions for debate in the immediate next issue of the journal.