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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento,  aims to broaden knowledge and understanding of the ways in which digital technologies can benefit educational processes through the publication of research results on theory and practice of Informatics in Education. 

The journal Tec. Soc. e Con. is continuously updated, and organized by the Nucleus of Informatics Applied to Education (Núcleo de Informática Aplicada à Educação - NIED) at UNICAMP.

  • Learning based on the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) focusing on the learner and/or the teaching and learning process;
  • Teaching and practices in formal and informal educational settings that utilize Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) focusing on the educator, his/her training and educational praxis;
  • The learner and his/her behavior in formal and informal educational settings that utilize Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) focusing on educational practices and/or knowledge construction;
  • Development of materials for digital contexts focusing on the organization of content for teaching and learning; conception and production of different types of instructional materials, media and technological supports; use and reuse of open educational resources, learning objects, assistive technologies, among other related topics;
  • Public policies, conception, planning and execution of educational projects that make use of (or for the use of) Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT);
  • Theoretical aspects related to the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) in various learning settings: schools, museums, industry etc;
  • Theoretical, Methodological and Technological aspects involved in the development of software and educational applications including games, simulations, robotics, virtual reality etc;
  • Computational environments for Cooperation/Collaboration in teaching and learning contexts: blogs, wikis, video/audio-casts, AVAS etc;
  • Design, development, and evaluation of solutions utilizing Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) for the promotion of learning;
  • Social, affective and motivational issues in computational environments for the promotion of learning.

Peer review process 

All articles will be reviewed by at least two members of the journal Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento’s Editorial Board. The editorial board includes PhD professors who have recognized proficiency and experience in the area of Informatics in Education from various educational and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. 

Evaluations are conducted using a double-blind review, which guarantees the reviewers’ and authors’ anonymity. 

Publication Frequency

Starting with volume 11 (2024), the journal Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento will adopt the Continuously updated (rolling pass system), making article publication faster. There will be no volume numbers or periodicity for submissions, as was the practice until volume 10 (2023). We will publish approved articles in several sets in one volume per year. The full summary and editorial will be published with the last set of articles in the volume.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open and free access to its content, according to the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public without charge allows for larger and global democratization of knowledge. 

Journal’s Copyright Page produced by:

Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8ª/5447