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We thank all the reviewers who have contributed with their expertise and their time to the revision of the articles in this issue. 

Reviewers for the 2017 (v.4 n.1) issue.

André Constantino da Silva (IFSP)

Ann Berger Valente (UNICAMP)

Fabio Ferrentini Sampaio (UFRJ)

Fernanda Maria Pereira Freire (NIED/UNICAMP)

João Vilhete Viegas D'Abreu (NIED/UNICAMP)

José Aires de Castro Filho (UFC)

José Armando Valente (IA/NIED/UNICAMP)

Marcus Vinícius Maltempi (UNESP)

Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas (IC/NIED/UNICAMP)

Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini de Almeida (PUC -SP)

Rosana Giaretta Sguerra Miskulin (UNESP)