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The problem of the structure / agency relationship in social theory and the possibility of convergence between Habermas and Bourdieu
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Pierre Bourdieu
Jurgen Habermas
Social Theory

How to Cite

PINTO, Júlio Roberto de Souza. The problem of the structure / agency relationship in social theory and the possibility of convergence between Habermas and Bourdieu. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 41, p. 195–215, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v21i41.11455. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


This work seeks to demonstrate that Jürgen Habermas and Pierre Bourdieu, each in their own way and from different starting points, built convergent theoretical and methodological perspectives, according to which the fundamental ontological reference for the investigation of the entities and processes that constitute corporate life it is not any form of collective totality conceived in a reified way or the subjective experience of the individual actor, but the interactions and social practices unfolded in defined socio-historical contexts, conceived, one and the other, as a fundamental locus of intertwining between the objective and subjective aspects of the corporate universe.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Júlio Roberto de Souza Pinto


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