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The production of subalternity from a post-colonial (and decolonial) perspective
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RIBEIRO, Adelia Miglievich; PRAZERES, Lílian Lima Gonçalves dos. The production of subalternity from a post-colonial (and decolonial) perspective: some readings. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 45, p. 25–52, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v23i45/46.11100. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


We seek to present theoretical perspectives that compose or influenced the so-called post-colonial and decolonial studies. To this end, we started with Foucault, which made it possible to perceive the power interspersed with micro-relationships, with an emphasis on the disciplining of bodies and the creation of subliminal rules of conduct. We then went through Derrida and Hall to mark the postmodern and post-structuralist influences on epistemological decolonization. By bringing the debate to the voices silenced by the colonial difference - the antithesis of différance - we observe the benefit of the inter-place expression of the Brazilian Santiago and the Indian Bhabha, as a possible synonym of hybridity, transit, frontier, from which identities are displaced and reinvented. We add the Latin Americans of the modernity-coloniality group, Quijano and Maldonado-Torres, in order to expose the existing types of coloniality and the need to think of their own epistemologies that can overcome them, such as Spivak's (2010) decolonial feminism, Lerma (2014) and Lugones (2011). We conclude that there is relevance in the concerns about the persistent colonialities of power, knowledge and being, and we call attention to the need for deconstruction as a method of understanding realities and discourses about realities in order to conceive a more effective intellectual criticism of production and reproduction of subalternities.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Adelia Miglievich Ribeiro, Lílian Lima Gonçalves dos Prazeres


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