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The decline of rationalism and the erotic perspective in the ethnographic enterprise
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Undisciplinary applied linguistics
Queer theory
Virtual ethnography
Cruising apps

How to Cite

BONFANTE, Gleiton Matheus. The decline of rationalism and the erotic perspective in the ethnographic enterprise: for a science of lust. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 44, p. 141–176, 2014. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v22i44.10975. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


The voices that question the positivism and the inability of its theoretical-analytical instruments to conceptualize the dynamism of the contemporary world come from different places with different agendas. An ethical commitment, which recognizes the ideological and subjective character of the scientific company and believes in negotiating the limits of participation in interaction and a political agenda, responsible for the effects of research, committed to change and the denormatization of society are among these voices of change and among the perspectives discussed in the text. Advocating a hybrid, undisciplinary methodology that respects sensations and feelings as legitimate producers of knowledge and that bets on desire and eroticism as a source of inspiration, the need to unlearn rusty paradigms is discussed so that social theorizations are not anachronistic at the time. The recognition of the researcher's subjectivity, body and desires as inflections of knowledge production will be defended. As well as the production and support of the distinction between subject and object in the scientific narrative, the level of involvement of the researcher with studied practices and the effects of their presence in the field are on the agenda. Some postmodern challenges to ethnography will be discussed on the basis of examples extracted from sexual netnography.
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