Children´s literature and its importance in the learning of boys and girls: from theory to practice




Children´s teaching, Teaching methods, Reading motivation


The purpose of this theoretical-practical research is to highlight the importance of children's literature to motivate and engage children with reading in order to awaken creativity and the development of imagination. For this, three fundamental aspects are proposed: (i) Functions of children's literature; (ii) The teacher's role as a promoter of children's literature; and (iii) Strategies that favor the natural learning of reading, related to children's literature. The analysis is based on the constructivist approach of the language learning. It concludes with the mention of some practical considerations to improve the work of children's literature in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Jaime Caiceo Escudero, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Estela Socías Muñoz, Universidad Mayor

Universidad Mayor, Chile


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How to Cite

CAICEO ESCUDERO, Jaime; SOCÍAS MUÑOZ, Estela. Children´s literature and its importance in the learning of boys and girls: from theory to practice. Ridphe_R, Ibero-American Journal of Historical-Educational Patrimony, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 00, p. e020017, 2020. DOI: 10.20888/ridpher.v6i00.13900. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

