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Materialist critique of the use of the concept of decent work
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Decent work
Human rights
Critical theory of law

How to Cite

Silveira, S. M. L., De Vuono, G. D. D., & Devólio, I. B. (2024). Materialist critique of the use of the concept of decent work: contributions to the Latin American debate. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 6(00), e024002.


This article looks at the category of “decent work”, conceived as a social human right, from the point of view of its content, especially with regard to the strict limitations of positive law. The proposal is to analyze decent work from the perspective proposed by the International Labor Organization, based on the materialist theory of law. Priority is given to discussing the implementation of decent work in a scenario of social deprotection consolidated in a stage of crisis of capitalist sociability and its restructuring. The problem of the study is centered on criticism of the concepts of decent work and social development proposed by international organizations. The question arises: Why is the idealization of a minimum content attributed to these categories subject to the strict horizons of legal form? The article is based on the premise that, despite the identification of certain social values recognized as fundamental rights for current Latin American sociability, the normative structure in place prevents the realization of these material conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Suzana Maria Loureiro Silveira, Gabriel Dib Daud De Vuono, Isadora Batistella Devólio


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