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Labor informality in Latin America in the digital age
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Labor market
Informality - Latin America
Technological innovation

How to Cite

Estanque, E., & Climent Peredo, V. F. (2023). Labor informality in Latin America in the digital age: A view from the Iberian countries. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 5(00), e023004.


Considering the historical relations between Iberian and Latin American countries, contrasts, trends, and asymmetries at different scales are analyzed, seeking to stimulate North-South dialogue. The article initially discusses asymmetric powers, tensions and dynamic negotiations on a global scale, particularly in the context of the European Union. In light of recent transformations of capitalism, the phenomenon of informality and labor precarization is addressed. Using a more prospective register, some of the recent challenges brought by technological innovation and digitalization are diagnosed. The analysis then highlights knowledge produced in various research centers on the reproduction of informal work amidst the diffusion of new technologies. To this end, empirical studies on the labor market in three Latin American countries (Brazil, Argentina and Chile) are prioritized. If the purpose is to foster decent work in Latin America, it is necessary to address the causes of informality and reduce the vulnerability of working classes, structural problems that persist in the digital age. In this sense, the effort to understand the changes taking place in the field of labor relations is essential, at a time when national governments find themselves at a crossroads in the face of the brutal impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and of the uncertainties about the trajectory of their economies in the coming years.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Elísio Estanque, Víctor Climent


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