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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • The text is in single space; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores on the About the Journal page.

Author Guidelines

In the act of submitting an article or review, the identification of the author (s) and institutional affiliation will be filled in the spaces provided on the RBEST website and should not appear in the body of the text, which will be sent for blind peer review. Any references that allow the evaluator to indirectly infer the authorship of the text are not accepted. Copyright information will be registered separately, as metadata, and accessed only by the editors. After submission, inclusion or exclusion of co-author (s) will not be allowed.

Article and dossier

In writing the article, the following guidelines must be observed:

  • The text can be presented in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, with the following format: font Verdana size 10, line spacing 1.5. The originals must be submitted in an electronic file with the extension “.docx” (or another one compatible with Word for Windows). The text must have a minimum of 30,000 and a maximum of 90,000 characters (counting spaces), excluding abstracts in the four languages.
  • The title of the article must have a maximum of 130 characters (with spaces).
  • The abstract must contain up to 1000 characters (with spaces). The use of the third person singular, single paragraph and concise sentences is recommended. The following should be avoided: neologisms, bibliographic citations, symbols, formulas and equations. RBEST requests, at the time of submission, only the version of the abstract in the language in which the text was written and the abstract in english. The other translations will be provided by the Editorial Committee.
  • The keywords (between 3 and 5) must be presented together with the summary.
  • Articles must indicate the classification according to the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL).
  • Acknowledgments (optional) must be cited in a footnote and included only after the text has been approved for publication.
  • Tables, charts, graphs and figures (photos, drawings and maps) must be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they appear, always mentioned in the body of the text and headed by their respective title. Immediately below each item it is necessary to register its source.
  • The images must come in JPG format with resolution from 300 dpi. And they must be sent separately, in their original files. The name of each file must match the name of the image (for example: Figure 1).
  • Tables, charts and graphs must also be submitted in their original files to be editable. The number of tables, charts, graphs and figures must be restricted to the amount necessary to support the argument developed in the article.
  • RBEST does not accept mathematical formulas in image format. Formulas and equations must be created in the text editor (Word or similar).
  • The statistical methods, when used, need to be described with the necessary detail to allow verification of the results presented by a reader versed in the subject. At the same time, excessively technical language should be avoided and the results presented with sufficient clarity, in order to enable the understanding of a reader unfamiliar with the method adopted.
  • Explanatory footnotes should be used sparingly, only when strictly necessary to understand the text. Notes must be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they appear in the text.
  • Citations in the body of the text must follow the author / date system and obey the following criteria: i) textual citations of up to three lines must be incorporated into the paragraph, transcribed in quotation marks and accompanied by the following information in parentheses: surname of the author of the quote, year publication and page number; ii) textual citations of more than three lines must be in an isolated paragraph, with 4 cm indentation on the left margin, size 10 and without quotation marks.
  • References must identify the works cited throughout the text. They must be inserted at the end of the article or review, according to the APA style. Some examples for formatting references:

Banco Mundial (2019). Informe sobre el desarrollo mundial 2019: La naturaleza cambiante del trabajo. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications.

Baltar, P. E. de A., & Krein, J. D. (2013). A retomada do desenvolvimento e a regulação do mercado do trabalho no Brasil. Caderno CRH, Salvador, 26(68), 273-292.

Bárcena, A., Bielschowsky, R., & Torres, M. (2018). El séptimo decenio de la CEPAL: una reseña de su producción intelectual. En: R. Bielschowsky, & M. Torres (Comps.). Desarrollo e igualdad: El pensamiento de la CEPAL en su séptimo decenio. (pp. 13-110). (Colección 70 años, n. 1). Santiago de Chile: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe.

Castel, R. (1995). Les métamorphoses de la question sociale: Une chronique du salariat. (Collection “L'espace du politique”). Paris: Fayard.

Draibe, S. (2006, outubro). Estado de Bem-Estar, desenvolvimento econômico e cidadania: algumas lições da literatura contemporânea. Anais do Encontro Anual da ANPOCS, Caxambu, MG, Brasil, 30. Recuperado de:

Fichter, M. (2018). Building union power across borders: The Transnational Partnership Initiative of IG Metall and the UAW. Global Labour Journal, 9(2), Special Issue, 182-198. doi: 10.15173/glj.v9i2.3343

Freyssinet, J. (2018). L’Europe sociale: quelles politiques, quels modèles, quels syndicalismes? La Revue de l'Ires, 96-97(3), 7-38. doi:10.3917/rdli.096.0007.

Furtado, C. (1998). L'imperatif technologique et les inégalites sociales. Cahiers du Brésil Contemporain, Paris, 1998(33-34), 167-169. Récupéré de:

Galbraith, James K. (2012). Inequality and instability: A study of the world economy just before the Great Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press.

Henrique, W. (1999). O capitalismo selvagem: Um estudo sobre desigualdade no Brasil. (Tese de doutorado). Instituto de Economia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil. Recuperado de:

Keynes, J. M. (1937). The general theory of employment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 51(2), 209-223. Retrieved from

Leubolt, B. (2014). Social policies and redistribution in South Africa. [GLU Working Paper, n. 25], Global Labour University (GLU); International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva. Retrieved from:

Lin, J. Y., Monga, C., & Standaert, S. (2017). Inclusive and sustainable transformation: An index.  Working Papers Series, 257, African Development Bank Group, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

Marshall, T. H. (2007)[1950]. Ciudadanía y clase social. En: Marshall, T. H., & Bottomore, T. Ciudadanía y clases sociales. Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial.

Nayyar, D. (2014, June 09). Why employment matters: Reviving growth and reducing inequality. (Statement). 103rd International Labour Conference, ILO, 09 June 2014. Retrieved from:

Sen, A. (2000). Development as freedom. (2nd. ed.) Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Standing, G. (1997). Globalization, labour flexibility and insecurity: the era of market regulation. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 3(1), 7-38, March. doi:10.1177/095968019731002.

Zhang, W., & Han, G. (2013). How have labour market developments affected labour costs in China? [HKIMR Working Papers, n. 07/2013], Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, China. Retrieved from:


  • O texto pode ser apresentado em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês, com a seguinte formatação: fonte Verdana tamanho 10, espaçamento entre linhas 1,5. Os originais deverão ser submetidos em arquivo eletrônico com extensão “.docx” (ou outra compatível com Word for Windows). O texto deve ter no mínimo 30.000 e no máximo 90.000 caracteres (contando os espaços), excluídos os resumos nos quatro idiomas.


  • O texto pode ser apresentado em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês, com a seguinte formatação: fonte Verdana tamanho 10, espaçamento entre linhas 1,5. Os originais deverão ser submetidos em arquivo eletrônico com extensão “.docx” (ou outra compatível com Word for Windows). O texto deve ter no mínimo 30.000 e no máximo 90.000 caracteres (contando os espaços), excluídos os resumos nos quatro idiomas.


  • O texto deve ter no mínimo 10.000 e no máximo 20.000 caracteres (contando os espaços), excluídos os resumos nos quatro idiomas. 


  • O texto deve ter no mínimo 10.000 e no máximo 20.000 caracteres (contando os espaços), excluídos os resumos nos quatro idiomas. 

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