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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

RBEST publishes unpublished and original articles - written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French - in two subareas: Social Economics and Labour Economics. The focus is the publication of articles that present academic research results or contribute to the understanding of theoretical debate, as well as critical reviews of books published in one of these two subareas. Priority will be given to articles that stimulate academic debate and critical reflection at national and international levels, based on original research, motivating the exchange of ideas and contributing to the dissemination of knowledge produced from academic research of theoretical or empirical nature.


Editorial policy

Copyright and License to Use

Publishing an article or review in RBEST implies that the author or authors automatically assign the full and exclusive copyright of the first edition to the journal, without any fees.

After publication, the authors are authorised to enter into additional contracts, independent of the journal, for the dissemination of the article or review by other means (e.g. institutional repository or book chapter), provided the full source is cited, with references from the original publication.

Any images that may be inserted in the article must be in the public domain or have permission to be published.

The ideas and opinions expressed in the article or review are the sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the views of RBEST.

Ethical Principles

RBEST always acts with respect to academic culture and intellectual production, maintaining a dialogue channel with authors, reviewers and readers to verify the need for corrections, reviews, clarifications or retractions.

RBEST protects its editorial process from commercial or financial interests.

To prevent the publication of articles resulting from institutional research from raising doubts about conflict of interest, the author (s) should state any links to funding agencies, as well as to commercial or political institutions. Likewise, you should mention the institution to which you are linked, or that may have collaborated in the execution of the study, showing no conflict of interest regarding the result presented in the article.

Antiplagiarism actions

Authors should be responsible for the originality and uniqueness of the article, in whole or in part, and ensure the explanation of all the sources and references that contributed to the drafting of the text. Compliance with these requirements and conditions will be carefully checked with the tools available for RBEST.

Guidelines for the editorial team

The decision to publish or not an article or review is based on principles of research ethics and information disclosure, respecting the current legislation and good conduct in academic culture.

Factors regarding political or ideological positioning, ethnic, gender or religious diversity, as well as differences in theoretical and methodological perspectives, should not influence the actions and decisions made during the editorial process.

Editors will not conduct article editorial processes for which a conflict of interest is established.

The identities of authors and reviewers will remain confidential during the editorial process and after its completion.

Editors must ensure the transparency of the editorial process and answer questions that may be raised by authors or reviewers about the evaluation of articles submitted to RBEST.

Guidelines for authors

An author is understood to be anyone who has his or her identity linked to the authorship of the article submitted to RBEST and who has effectively participated in the research or writing of it. It is recommended not to exceed the total number of four authors. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to question participations and to refuse submission if it deems it appropriate.

Guidelines for reviewers

The article or review evaluation process should be confidential, preventing the appropriation or disclosure, in any sphere, of the information contained therein.

The reviewer should refuse to carry out the text evaluation in which there is a conflict of interest.

The identification of absence of originality or overlapping text, in whole or in part, in relation to an already published text should be promptly reported to the RBEST Editorial Committee.

Cataloguing in Publication prepared by: Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8ª/5447