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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.

Author Guidelines

1 General rules

Manuscripts are to be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, or English; translations must be into Portuguese.

The submitted text must be original (not previously published in national or foreign journals, nor in book format or book chapter); texts presented orally in congresses are considered original; manuscripts that expand upon material that has already been published in conference proceedings must make a statement to this effect on the front page and it will be up to ad hoc referees to assess whether the development of the article content has been sufficient to be considered original.

The main file with the submitted text must be sent without any type of identification of the authorship, to guarantee the blind evaluation. In case of acceptance, the author will submit a version with the incorporation of his data, as well as his institution in full, a summary of the biography in the first footer and e-mail for contact.

Step 3 of the submission process (metadata), must appear in the three languages, and must include:

- Title [Only the first letter in capital letters, except proper names; subtitle with lowercase words].

- Abstract [Single paragraph with up to 250 words].

- Keywords [First letter in uppercase - Fill each term and end with <ENTER> in each of the three to five keywords].

- Knowledge Area [Disciplines / types of study / branches of knowledge].

- Language [main language code of the text - pt: Portuguese / en: English / es: Spanish].

- Research agencies [Source of funding, optional].

- Coverage [Geographic, chronological or historical location of the article. Ex: Brazil; 21st Century / Bahia; Colonial period / South America; Actuality, etc.].

- Copyrights:

- Type [Text].

Authorship and co-authorship identification:

- Name and surname.

- Complementary data: include URL [Bio with publications] and ORCID number [].

- Biography: include only the last training and last function.

2 Format of submissions

Texts must be submitted in files that can be edited by Word, preferably in .doc or .docx formats.

Papers must be formatted to fit A4-sized paper; 2.5 margins all around (left, right and top, bottom); Arial 12; justified margins, 1.5 cm spacing; 2.0 cm first-line paragraph indentation; page numbers at the bottom right margin, Arial 10.

When acronyms are used, their first occurrence must appear in full.


- Articles published in the journal Música Popular em Revista (MPR) ...

Disc titles should appear in italics and track titles should appear in quotation marks, when used in the text. In the references, the highlight follows the ABNT rules.


- In the song “Oriente”, from the album Expresso 2222, by Gilberto Gil (...)

3 Format of submissions

Articles must have a title, abstract (up to 250 words) and three to five keywords.

English articles must be submitted with the translation of the title, abstract and keywords into Portuguese.

The articles can occupy between 15 and 25 pages (between 6 and 8 thousand words, approximately), including title, abstract, keywords (pt; en; es) and references. Reviews should be between 4 and 6 pages long.

Articles can be divided into sections or subsections with intertitles.

The articles can be accompanied by images, in JPG format and with a resolution of 300 dpi, already inserted in the body of the text and sent in separate files.

Both musical examples and figures or tables must be preceded by a succinct, centralized caption, with simple paragraph spacing, font Arial 12, italic. Such captions must be identified as Ex., Fig. Etc., numbered sequentially (examples: Ex. 1– Excerpt from the score of ...; Ex. 2– Photo of the back cover of the disc ...; Ex. 3– Table with ...) and referenced in the text. Below the illustration, the source must be identified.


- Source: elaborated by the author.

- Source: extracted from Favaretto (2007).

- Source: extracted from the Brazilian Digital Periodicals Library.

- Source: available at:

Note: to avoid distorting the layout of the illustrations, it is suggested to insert a table with three lines, with the outlines of the table invisible, and with the caption centered in the first line, the figure or example in the middle line and the data source in bottom line.

The authors of the articles, reviews or interviews accepted for publication, may be asked for the originals of the image files.

Initials of musical notes should always be capitalized (C, D, E, etc.). For specific symbols, such as sharps, flats, and naturals, musical fonts, like BACH may be used and is available for download at the URL

Equations and formulas must be highlighted in the text and numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses, right aligned.

Italics are used exclusively for foreign terms and titles of works, both in pre-textual and in-text elements. If there is a need to highlight words or passages, they should be highlighted in bold or placed within quotation marks.

Regarding note position, middle C is designated C4.

4 Citations, references, and notes

Quotations of three lines or less should be inserted in the body of the text enclosed within double quotation marks (single quotation marks are used to indicate a quote within a quote), followed by the reference in the “Author-Date” format. For quotations that are more than three lines, highlight the quotation in a block of text indented 3 cm from the left margin, without indenting the first line, and separated from the text with a blank space and followed by the reference in the “Author-Date” format (omit quotation marks, font 11, single space).

The journal uses the author-data system in parentheses in the text; the author's last name must be in capital letters only when it appears in parentheses.


According to Pessoa (2012, p. 74), [...] “presume-se que o processo formativo deva perdurar” (CAPORALETTI, 2018, 14).

Footnotes with explanatory character may be used. They should not be used as reference notes, as they will appear in the text itself. However, they may indicate a complementary bibliography. Notes should be indicated in the body of the text by Arabic numerals, in ascending order, and listed at the bottom of the page in size 10.

For quotations in a foreign language, the translation is included within the body of the text and the original quote placed in a footnote enclosed in quotation marks and accompanied by the reference.

5 – Reference formatting

Source information in parentheses, following the author-date system, should be structured as follows:

  • A work of one author: (CHRISTENSEN, 2007, p. 156).
  • A work of up to three authors: (SUSANNI; ANTOKOLETZ, 2012, p. 72).
  • A work of more than three authors: (CAPLIN et al., 2009, p. 123-125).
  • More than one work: (CHRISTENSEN, 2007: 156. COHEN, 1993, p. 115-180).
  • More than one work by the same author: (BRUHN, 1997, 2007).
  • Citation of a work cited: (MESSIAEN, 1959, p. 1094 apud HILL; SIMEONE, 2007, p. 57).
  • Work translated by the author of the article: (STRAUS, 2005, p. 191, our translation).
  • Citation of audiovisual works: (CENTRAL ..., 1998: min. 14).
  • Citation of non-sequential pages: (CHRISTENSEN, 2007, p. 156 and 172).
  • Name of the author included in the sentence: According to Burkholder (2009, p. 94).
  • Even in the case of indirect citations (paraphrases), the source must be indicated, also providing the page number(s) whenever referencing, not the entire work, but to a specific idea presented by the author.
  • Citations of publications by authors submitting a manuscript must only be identified after submission is approved. At the time of submission, the authors must be identified as XXXXX.

The expressions “op. cit.”, “idem” and “ibidem” may not be used.

The expression “et al.” should only be used in the body of the text. In the list of references, all authors must be mentioned.

The following abbreviations should be used in the case of missing reference information: [S. l.] in the absence of the place of publication, [s. n.] when the publisher cannot be identified, “n. p.” when there are no page numbers. If the year of publication, copyright, printing, or other elements cannot be found in the document, the year should be indicated in brackets: [1971 or 1972], one year or the other; [1969?], probable year; [1973], year certain, not indicated in the work; [between 1906 and 1912], use intervals of less than 20 years; [ca. 1960], approximate year; [197-], decade certain; [197-?], probable decade; [18--], century certain; [18--?], probable century.

Footnotes should not be used for references.

Do not use an underline to replace the name of repeated authors in the resource list. The name of the author(s) must be repeated in all works, for example:

KINDERMAN, William. Dramatic Recapitulation in Wagner’s Gotterdammerung. 19th-Century Music, v. 4, n. 2, p. 101-112, 1980.

KINDERMAN, William. Introduction. In: KINDERMAN, William e KREBS, Harald (org.). The Second Practice of Nineteenth-Century Tonality. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995. p. 1-14.

Complete references should be listed at the end of the text separated by a single blank space, left alignment, following the standards of ABNT NBR 6023: 2018, according to the following examples.

6 - Reference models


SURNAME, Full Given Name(s) of the Author(s). Title of the work in italics: subtitle [if any]. edition [if not the first, for example, 2nd ed.]. Place of publication: Publisher, year.

Ex.: FAVARETTO, Celso. Tropicália, alegria, alegoria. 4. ed. Cotia, SP: Ateliê Editorial, 2007.

Parts of books (chapters, articles in collections etc.):

Last name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (org.). Title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher, date, initial and final pagination of the work.

Ex.: SARAIVA, Joana Martins. Da influência do jazz e outras notas: discursos sobre a cena musical de Copacabana dos anos 50. In: GIUMBELLI, Emerson; DINIZ, Julio Cesar Valladão; NAVES, Santuza Cambraia (org.). Leituras sobre música popular: reflexões sobre sonoridades e cultura. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2008, p. 83-97.


SURNAME, Full name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, city, volume, number of the journal, initial and final pagination of the article, month (abbreviated) and year of publication.

Ex.: VILELA, Ivan. Nada ficou como antes. Revista USP, São Paulo, n. 87, p. 14-27, set/out/nov. 2010.

Monographs, dissertations, and theses:

SURNAME, Full Given names. Title of the thesis in italics: subtitle (if any). Type of work: Dissertation or Thesis (Master or Doctorate, with indication of the area of work), Institute, University, Location, year.

Ex.: VICENTE, Eduardo. Música e disco no Brasil: A trajetória da indústria nas décadas de 80 e 90. (PhD in communication), Escola de Comunicação e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2001.


  1. a) Part of audible document

TITLE of the phonographic record: subtitle [if any]. Performer: Name of the performer. Composer: Name of the composer. In: TITLE of the record/CD/tape [if applicable]. Performer: Name of the performer. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Additional information [for example, 1 CD, track 1, if applicable].

  1. b) Sound document as a whole

TITLE of the record /CD/tape [if applicable]. Performer: Name of the performer. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Additional information [for example, 1 CD (40 min)].

Movies, videos, among electronic media

  1. a) Available on physical media

TITLE of the film. Direction: [Name of director]. Producer: [Name of producer]. Location: Name of producer or distributor, year. Additional information [for example, 1 DVD (117 min)].

  1. b) Available on YouTube

TITLE of the video: subtitle [if any]. [S. l.: s. n.], year. 1 video (4 min) [example]. Published by the [Channel Name] channel. Available at: http: // .... Accessed: date [formatted as 2 Jul. 2014].

Works published online:

SURNAME, Full Given Name(s) of the author(s). Title of the work: subtitle [if any]. edition [if not the first]. Place of publication (if unknown, use [N. p.]: Publisher (if unknown, use [n. p.]), Year (if unknown, a year should be indicated, either the copyright date (preceded with no space by the lower-case letter c) or the distribution, printing, or other date, for example, c.1923). Available at: http: // .... Accessed: Day Mon. abbreviated Year (for example, 6 Oct. 2008).

Standards not provided above must comply with ABNT standards in NBR 6028: 2003 (Abstracts), NBR 10520: 2002 (Citations) and NBR 6023: 2018 (References). The accuracy of references provided in the list at the end of the work, as well as all in-text citations, are the responsibility of the author(s).


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