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Música Popular em Revista

Current Issue

Vol. 9 (2022)
Published October 12, 2022

Scope: Música Popular em Revista (MPR) is a continuous publication journal, online, of free circulation, supported by the Graduate Programs in Music of the Institute of Arts of UNICAMP and the Center for Letters and Arts of UNIRIO. MPR publishes original articles by scholars from different disciplines in the Humanities, such as Musicology, Ethnomusicology, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Linguistics, Literature and Communication. In addition to articles, the journal accepts other types of contributions such as reviews, interviews, commented transcriptions, scores and translations whose contents are compatible with its thematic.
Qualis / CAPES: C - Arts / B4 – Interdisciplinary
Field of knowledge: Music / Applied Social Science
Foundation year: 2012
E-ISSN: 2316-7858
Short title: Mus. Pop. em Rev.
Unit: IA
Editor responsável: Cacá Machado
DOI Prefix: 10.20396
Licença Creative Commons


Esdras Garcia Pereira, Leandro Barsalini
Studio audio art, editable music and discursivity: propositions to think about the sound of a record
PDF (Português (Brasil))
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