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A interface prosódia-sintaxe e o fraseamento prosódico no português do Brasil


Prosodic phrasing
Spontaneous speech
Reading speech
Brazilian portuguese

How to Cite

Serra C. A interface prosódia-sintaxe e o fraseamento prosódico no português do Brasil . J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];5(2):47-86. Available from:


This paper focuses on the Brazilian Portuguese (BP) prosodic phrasing and has two main goals: to find a correlation between the prosodic constituents boundaries, as described by the Prosodic Hierarchy Theory and the perception and production of spontaneous and reading speech breaks, and to describe the phonological characteristics and the syntactic ranking of perceived and non perceived edges. The corpus under analysis includes 5 extracts both of spontaneous and reading speech lasting about 2 minutes each. The reading speech (LE) emerged from the spontaneous speech (FE) orthographic transcription which was collected from an interview in an informal environment. In the perception test, 11 referees heard the 10 speaking extracts, without punctuation, and marked the perceived breaks in the orthographic transcription of each of them. The results point out that the prosodic breaks are mainly perceived at the intonational phrase (I) boundary, regardless of the speech style (FE: 91%; LE 99%). However, in LE, 64% of the foreseen I boundaries, described by the Prosodic Hierarchy Theory, were perceived as breaks, but in FE, just 37% were perceived. The most usual nuclear contour in both styles is H+L* L% (the neutral declarative contour in BP), but its occurrence frequency at perceived breaks draws a distinction between LE and FE (67% and 30%, respectively). In FE, contours like L+H* H% and L*+H H% are also produced (34%). In general, descendant nuclei in LE are predominant, as well as the edge tone L. (Extended abstract in the PDF document).


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