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A entoação da ordem no português do Brasil: uma descrição dialetal a partir do corpus ALiB



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Silva CG da, Miranda L da S, Carnaval M, Cunha C de S. A entoação da ordem no português do Brasil: uma descrição dialetal a partir do corpus ALiB. J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];5(2):29-45. Available from:


In this paper, we described the command intonational contours in the twenty-five Brazilian capitals included in the corpus “Linguistic Atlas of Brazil” (ALiB). This work aims at: (i) describing the intonational contour of twenty-five capitals from the corpus ALiB; (ii) comparing the intonation of the directive speech acts in the five Brazilian regions and (iii) proposing a phonological representation of the variation of this contour. Our corpus is composed of fifty imperative utterances produced by male and female speakers of the analyzed capitals. We observed that there is a predominance of a rising F0 movement in the prenucleus of the command contours with the phonological notation L*+H or L+H* in the twentyfive Brazilian capitals. In the nuclear position, the pitch accent can be defined for the majority of the capitals as H+L*L%, a falling F0 movement, with the variant H*L% for the capital Belém (PA). The capital that presented a different F0 movement in the nucleus was Florianópolis (SC) that showed the predominance of a rising-falling F0 movement represented as L+H*L%.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Carolina Gomes da Silva, Luma da Silva Miranda, Manuella Carnaval, Claudia de Souza Cunha


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