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The Pierre Seel's autobiography
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How to Cite

GARCIA, Pablo Vinícius Nunes. The Pierre Seel’s autobiography: reflections on the testimony and history. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 31, n. 61, p. 289–311, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v31i61.18229. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


This article intends to discuss relations between memory, testimony and history, taking as object the Pierre Seel’s autobiography, Moi, Pierre Seel, déporté homosexel, survivor of the Schirmeck concentration camp, where he was imprisoned for being homosexual. It addresses the silencing, which lasted for decades after the Second World War, around the Nazi persecution of homosexuals, with the testimony being a useful resource for clarifying what runs the risk of remaining in oblivion, short of historical knowledge. As history is an area in which interests are conflicting, testimony thus reveals itself as a means of reconstructing history, bringing to light fragments that tend not to participate in hegemonic narratives. The aim of this article includes a reflexion on this issue. The text focuses on what Seel suffered in the concentration camp, as well as the consequences he faced throughout his life as a result of his imprisonment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Pablo Vinícius Nunes Garcia


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