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Gramsci reader of Georges Sorel
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Prison notebooks
Revolutionary syndicalism
Second international

How to Cite

GALASTRI, Leandro de Oliveira. Gramsci reader of Georges Sorel: a dialogue on history and revolution. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 29, p. 121–149, 2007. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v15i29.13646. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


This article intends to elaborate a comparative analysis about the conceptions of History and Revolution in the works of Antonio Gramsci and Georges Sorel. The presentation of the development of the sorelian concepts is inserted in the context of the debate concerning to the crisis of the marxism at the end of the nineteenth century. We also consider the critical assimilation of some sorelian concepts by Gramsci during the elaboration of his thought present in the Prison Notebooks.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Leandro de Oliveira Galastri


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