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¡Esta es la verdad!
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Transitional justice
Human rights
Collective memory
Democratic transitions
South cone
Recent history

How to Cite

MARCHESI, Aldo. ¡Esta es la verdad! Construcción, sentidos y usos de la "verdad" en los informes "Nunca más" del Cono Sur. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 17, n. 33, p. 13–48, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v17i33/34.12450. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


The present paper seeks to understand the meanings that the notion of truth has in the debates about the dictorial past during the democratic transitions. The paper focuses on the study of the strategies developed by the "nunca Más"'s authors in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay in order legitimize their truths in the local public spheres. After renewing the elaboration processes related to each report, the paper exposes the chain of meaning establhoshed between the notion of truth and others such as justice, history and state. Last, the author concludes that the particular ways in which the truth was constructed in the "nunca Más" reports expresses a hybrid of authors and procedures that did not keep relation to the traditional institutions in charge of producing knowledge in democratic societies. This hybridization expressed the limits of the transition contexts as well as the creativity of the local actors to overcome them.
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