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The paranista movement and Illustration Paranaense magazine
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Illustração paranaense
Paranista movement
Brazilian art
Social aspects

How to Cite

SALTURI, Luis Afonso. The paranista movement and Illustration Paranaense magazine. Tematicas, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 43, p. 127–158, 2014. DOI: 10.20396/tematicas.v22i43.11419. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.


Paranaense Illustration: the art magazine and paranist news was a magazine that circulated in the State of Paraná between 1927 and 1930, a period in which the Paranim Movement was at its height. With practices from different fields, this cultural movement has developed using the awareness and actions of artists and intellectuals in favor of a local identity. If you want to take as a study object the role of the magazine in the construction, both of a discourse and of images, which intended to define an identity from Paraná to Paraná. The main purpose of the article is to understand how the magazine plays its role as a vehicle for the dissemination of ideas.
and works by representatives of Movimiento Paranista, in the specificity of graphic and plastic arts. It is assumed that political interest in the super and artistic and cultural interests, both iban in the same direction. Based on statistical data, we intend to investigate the network of relationships that make up the editorial team of the magazine and its collaborators.
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