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Theories of labor market segmentation
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Labor market theories
Workforce segmentation
Precarization of employment

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Neffa, J. C. (2023). Theories of labor market segmentation. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 5(00), e023012.


The article reviews the main versions of the theories of labor market segmentation developed in the 20th century, which are still valid. Originally they focused on showing the inadequacies of neoclassical theories according to which the agents operating in the market are homogeneous and the barriers to mobility come partly from the existing technical limitations to substitute labor for capital and to replace workers with different professional qualifications. Segmentation would then be produced by the temporary imperfection of the markets, without assigning responsibilities to the companies who generate the differentiation between internal and external, primary and secondary markets, to prevent profit rates from falling. The authors of these theories wrote when the Keynesian-Fordist mode of development was in force (1945-1974), but nowadays the precariousness of employment and the diversification of specific or particular forms of employment have given them new validity. Among the causes highlighted is the importance of institutions, employment policies and flexibilizing labor legislation.
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