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Elementary structures of public policies
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Public policy
Social policy

How to Cite

Di Giovanni, G. (2024). Elementary structures of public policies. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 6(00), e024001.


This article proposes an integrated approach to analyzing public policies. Considering that the historical observation of different types of public policy has shown the occurrence of common aspects in all of them, the analysis proposal assumes that these are structured and recurring relationships. It also assumes that it is possible to grasp the primary elements that make up these relationships by verifying the degree of organicity, coherence and consistency that is established between them. The “elementary structures” are examined in four dimensions: formal, substantive, material and symbolic. The concept of public policy is evolving. Likewise, the analysis of its elementary structures must reflect the changes that have taken place over time.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Geraldo Di Giovanni


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