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Industry 4.0, new technologies and the future of work
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Industry 4.0
Technological innovation
Digital phobia

How to Cite

Junqueira, A., Lima, Y., & Souza, J. M. de . (2021). Industry 4.0, new technologies and the future of work: expectations of Brazilians and Portuguese. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 3(00), e021010.


Since the 1st Industrial Revolution, we have undergone profound transformations, in about 200 years we took a leap from a technological, economic, and social point of view, the 21st century brought discoveries that will trigger even more significant changes, with a strong impact on work. This study verified the expectations of Brazilians and Portuguese about the challenges of new technologies, the results show that a large part of people still do not know or know little about the implications of digital transformations but assume an apprehensive posture concerning the future, demonstrating uncertainties about the benefits and even a certain “digital phobia”. There is a consensus that the changes will occur and that it will be difficult to find jobs in industry 4.0. In addition, it is evident that the whole society, governments, companies, schools, and individuals have a great responsibility to make the workforce prepared to face the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Alexandre Junqueira, Yuri Lima, Jano Moreira de Souza


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