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Two views on the growth of income inequality in contemporary capitalism
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Income distribution
Labor market
Human capital
Tax injustice

How to Cite

Pernías, T. (2020). Two views on the growth of income inequality in contemporary capitalism. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 2(00), e020012.


This article seeks to answer the following question: is the growth of income inequality in the current scenario an inevitable process among the trends of contemporary capitalism? To understand the debate, the text is divided as follows. First, there is a contextualization of the theme. Then, the article provides a summary of the arguments most used by orthodox economists to justify the growth of income inequality in the contemporary economy. Following, the article portrays another way of understanding the growth of inequality, analyzing current trends in inequality and some factors that contribute to the concentration of income and wealth. In the final remarks, the article concludes that tackling social inequality is a political choice, since there are sufficient means to combat the growth of inequality.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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