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The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market in Spain (2008-2018)
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Economic crisis
Labour market

How to Cite

Mosquera, M. S. (2019). The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market in Spain (2008-2018): evolution and institutional changes in comparative perspective. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 1, e019007.


This text studies the impact of the economic crisis on the Spanish labour market in comparative perspective, with the large southern Mediterranean countries of Europe and the UE 28 average (as a general compendium of all member countries) and the UE 15 (as a representative average of the oldest member states and most developed countries). The starting point is the changes in the economy (expressed in GDP evolution), and their impacts on the labour market. Subsequently, the institutional reforms that occurred in the labour legislation are analysed. Considering employment and unemployment indicators, statistics in Spain are worse than EU 15 averages and show a lower improvement in the economic recovery period. In turn, labour market reforms aimed to address the economic crisis have not led to the introduction of new policies or the reduction of precarious work.
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