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The United Kingdom labour market in face of the setback in the fight against “five giants”
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Labour market
Social protection
United Kingdom.

How to Cite

Wolf, P. J. W. . (2019). The United Kingdom labour market in face of the setback in the fight against “five giants”. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 1, e019008.


This article analyses the main characteristics of the United Kingdom protection system and its effect on the labour market. It was the first country to experience the perverse effects of unregulated capitalism. After the World War II, the Welfare State advanced in meeting basic social needs. From the 1970, the social protection system began to recede. This setback reached its peak after 2008, when the country was hit by a financial crisis (and a migration crisis) and began preparations for the exit of the European regional integration project. The analysis showed that austerity in economic policy and the weakening of social policy (and the weaker articulation between such policies) after 2008 had undesrable consequences. Rising employment and falling unemployment have been accompanied by deteriorating working conditions, and rising precarious jobs (with low pay and lower guarantees).
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