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The development of the German labour market after World War II


Labour market
Collective bargaining.

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Herr, H. ., & Ruoff, B. . (2019). The development of the German labour market after World War II. RBEST: Revista Brasileira De Economia Social E Do Trabalho, 1, e019006.


Labour market developments in Germany witnessed two shocks: German reunification in the early 1990s; and the Hartz reforms in the early 2000s. They separated the German labour market into two segments: the traditional rather corporatist labour market segment, characterised by a high degree of coordination, and the new less regulated labour market segment. The latter is characterised by low wages and precarious working conditions. A precariat living under conditions of high uncertainty developed. All these developments are mainly the result of legal changes in Germany. With respect to employment creation these changes were unneeded.


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