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A reflection based on the rap “Vida Loka II”, by Racionais MC’s
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Vida loka

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MARTINS, Raquel Mendonça. A reflection based on the rap “Vida Loka II”, by Racionais MC’s: valuing young black people by the signs of economic power. Música Popular em Revista, Campinas, SP, v. 2, n. 2, p. 151–175, 2014. DOI: 10.20396/muspop.v2i2.12943. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


                  This paper seeks to develop a theoretical discussion of the rap Vida Loka from the Racionais MC’s double album "Nada como um dia após o outro dia” (Nothing like a day after another day) released in 2002. The discussion will include aesthetic-musical aspects, of this rap, that is different of the standards imposed by the culture industry, as analyzed by Theodor W. Adorno, despite possessing traits musical merchandise. The theoretical proposal will build in the three elements of the rap Life Loka II, i.e. the video - clip, the lyrics and the musical base. Intended to identify in its instrumental base and letter characteristics that have aesthetical and critical relevance, and also analyze how the sound merges with the music theme.The narrative content of the rap Vida Loka II exposes the problem of input from the young people to a life of crime, with the primary motivation of the  high value items fetishism. The reflection propose in this article will try to understand the reasons why the low-income adolescents seek to rescue their damaged and weakened self-esteem by the racial and social discrimination through crime as can be gathered from this letter.
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