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Acordes e desacordos
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Extended tonality
Associative tonality
Theory and criticism of popular music

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FREITAS, Sérgio Paulo Ribeiro de. Acordes e desacordos: ideário schoenberguiano, harmonias wagnerianas e valoração em música popular. Música Popular em Revista, Campinas, SP, v. 1, n. 2, p. 7–41, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/muspop.v1i2.12882. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Are the dialogues among schoenbergian theoretical thinking relevant for analyzing and criticizing popular music? Are the wagnerian solutions still echoing in the harmonic succession that we can hear in works from this repertoire? Are such questions linked to value judgments that we, formally or informally, sanction over popular music? The current paper presents assumptions that, in principle, give affirmative answers for the three aforementioned questions. By observing agreements and disagreements in the theses of these two important characters’ from the musical German centrism, it was firstly considered a few schoenbergian arguments about the artistically progressive and about what can be highlighted as a regressive musical procedure. As a next step, it was set a discussion regarding a few compositional chooses stated by Wagner such as the alliterative verse and the dramatically motivated harmonization. Finally, by practicing contact spots between the extended tonality culture from the XIX century and tonal plans that hold considerable prestige in certain popular repertoires from the mid XX century, it was worthsuggesting that, reviewing such questions is something that can help the re-appreciation of values that, tacitly, we learn to defend.
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