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The existential construction in Spoken Modern Hebrew


Existential constructions
Israeli Hebrew

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Halevy R. The existential construction in Spoken Modern Hebrew: a typological and syntactical-pragmatic perspective . J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 14];11(00):e022005. Available from:


This contribution is part of the Debate section that dialogues with the two-part paper "The Syntax of Existential Constructions" by Shlomo Izre'el from Tel-Aviv University published in Volume 11 in 2022. In this response and rejoinder to Izre'el's monumental paper on existential constructions in spoken Israeli Hebrew, I call attention to the fact that unlike European languages, Hebrew is a non-subject oriented or non-configurational language type, and highlight that existential particle yeš in Hebrew is a TAM marker. I further enhance on the multifactionality of constructions featuring particle yeš far beyond bare assertion of existence. In addition, I refer to the high productivity of competitive configurations to the bare existential yeš construction based on a range of eventive-situative and locational verbs that are widespread in current use of Hebrew.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Rivka Halevy


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