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Automatic identification of synthetically generated interlanguage transfer phenomena between Brazilian Portuguese (L1) and English (L2)


Grapho-phonic-phonological transfer
K-nearest neighbor
Centroid minimum distance
Artificial neural networks
Language learning

How to Cite

Borges AAS, Rodrigues Filho WLP, Rocha ARS, Carvalho WJ de A, Lima Júnior RM, Barbosa FR. Automatic identification of synthetically generated interlanguage transfer phenomena between Brazilian Portuguese (L1) and English (L2). J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 11];10(00):e021004. Available from:


Transfer phenomena between Portuguese (L1) and English (L2) produced by Brazilian learners are well documented in the literature. However, the identification and classification of these processes are made mainly through transcriptions, a slow and laborious process done by specialized linguists. The rapid identification of these phenomena would be of great value for software doing proficiency placement tests and could be used in language schools, distance education, computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) or by autodidacts and researchers. The present work analyzed possible techniques and tools that can be used in the automatic identification of some transfer processes. The data for the grapho-phonic-phonological transfer were synthetically generated in the Google Translate™ TTS system. Then we tested three classification algorithms to perform the identification: k-Nearest Neighbor, Centroid Minimum Distance, and Artificial Neural Networks. The results indicate that these techniques are of great value for Linguistics and for new software applications in language learning.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Atos Borges, Washington Rodrigues, Aratuza Rocha, Wilson Carvalho, Ronaldo Lima, Fábio Rocha


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