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A comparative prosodic study of questions in french in contact with occitan and catalan


Prosody in contact
Southern accents in french
Endangered languages

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Mareüil PB de, Rilliard A, Ivent F, Kozhevina V. A comparative prosodic study of questions in french in contact with occitan and catalan. J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];4(2):59-72. Available from:


In the south of France, the French language has developed in contact with Occitan in Provence and Languedoc, in contact with Catalan in Roussillon. This study reports on a first analysis of data collected in these regions, during a field survey carried out among speakers of Occitan and Catalan, in addition to French. In particular, we compared the prosody of yes/no questions ending in a word stressed on the penultimate syllable (e.g caserna ‘barracks’ in Occitan or Catalan, caserne with a pronounced final schwa in southern French). On the last two syllables of questions, it turns out that the rising-rising pitch pattern is the most common and, according to a perception experiment using prosody modification/resynthesis, that it is preferred to a falling-rising pattern by southern French listeners (without significant differences between Provence and Languedoc). A falling-rising pattern was also observed in Roussillon, possibly resulting from a prosodic transfer from Catalan to French. It was not associated with that region by southern French listeners who took part in a second perceptual experiment. Yet, the intonation patterns found may have different functions: the rising-rising pattern, especially, is most often interpreted as a confirmation query.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2014 Philippe Boula de Mareüil, Albert Rilliard, Fanny Ivent, Varvara Kozhevina


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