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Spontaneous emotional speech in European Portuguese using feeltrace system – first approaches


European portuguese
Perceptual phonetics

How to Cite

Nunes A, Teixeira A. Spontaneous emotional speech in European Portuguese using feeltrace system – first approaches. J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 4 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];2(2):137-74. Available from:


The present work studies spontaneous emotional speech in European Portuguese, comparing the values obtained in measuring acoustic parameters in this study with the ones known for other languages and for simulated. The spontaneous expression of emotions recorded in the street or from television programs may bring very relevant results, but even in those situations it is difficult to determine the individual’s true emotion (it is often only possible to be identify through the context) (Patrick, 2008). The main focus of our study is on voice related parameters such as F0, jitter, shimmer and HNR that will be liable to compare with previous studies of emotions produced by an actor. Using the Feeltrace system it is possible to better describe the sensation caused by the stimuli (in any of the emotions in question) and describe in more dynamic manner the emotion. We also realize that, although the emotions produced by actors show some differences, because they are necessarily exaggerated, the parameter values are all very similar, valuing the studies that are usually obtained based on utterances produced by performers. Given the scarcity of studies on voice quality in European Portuguese, it is important to highlight that this work presents an original corpus specifically created for this study. We recognize the limitations of the presented research seeing the results as first approaches that must be deeply studied being important to areas such as robotics and health technology.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Ana Nunes, A. Teixeira


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