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The C-oral-Brasil project


Spoken corpora
Spontaneous speech
Brazilian portuguese

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Bossaglia G, Ferrari L de A. The C-oral-Brasil project: varied resources for the study of spoken brazilian portuguese. J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];7(2):65-77. Available from:


In this paper we present different resources for the study of spoken Brazilian Portuguese, developed within the C-ORAL-BRASIL project. The C-ORAL-BRASIL stemmed from the European C-ORAL-ROM project (Cresti & Moneglia, 2005), which has compiled spoken corpora of Italian, French, Spanish, and European Portuguese. The corpora of the C-ORAL family represent adequate tools for the analysis of spoken language, for they are provided not only with the transcripts of the recorded sessions (with prosodic breaks’ annotation), but also with their audio files and the text-to-speech alignment. So far, the C-ORAL-BRASIL project has published the C-ORAL-BRASIL I (Informal corpus: Raso & Mello, 2012), while the C-ORAL-BRASIL II (to be published by 2019) comprises a Formal corpus (Natural context), a Media corpus, and a Telephonic corpus. Besides these resources, a set of informationally tagged comparable minicorpora (representative samples of the aforementioned corpora) are already available or in preparation, enabling (cross-linguistic) studies focussed on information structure.


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The C-ORAL-BRASIL project: varied resources for the study of spoken Brazilian Portuguese

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Copyright (c) 2019 Giulia Bossaglia, Lúcia De Almeida Ferrari


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