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Speech segmentation in different perspectives


Multiple-domain speech corpora
Speech segmentation

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Mello H, Raso T. Speech segmentation in different perspectives: diachrony, synchrony, different domains, different boundaries, corpora applications. J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];7(2):01-8. Available from:


This special issue of JoSS is one of a series of initiatives undertaken by the Lab of Empirical and Experimental Linguistic Studies (LEEL) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) together with several international partners on the important topic of speech segmentation, primarily segmentation applied to spontaneous speech.


Barbosa P, Raso T. (Eds.) Speech segmentation. Special Issue of Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 2018a.

Barbosa P, Raso T. Spontaneous Speech Segmentation: Functional and Prosodic Aspects With Applications for Automatic Segmentation / A segmentação da fala espontânea: aspectos prosódicos, funcionais e aplicações para a tecnologia. In: Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 2018b.

Barth-Weingarten D. Intonation Units Revised: Cesuras in talk-in-interaction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2016.

Bossaglia G, Mello H, Raso T. (Eds.) Approaching Diversity in Speech Studies: New Methodologies under Empirical Perspectives. Special Issue of Chimera: Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies, 2016.

Chafe W. Discourse, consciousness and time: The Flow and displacement of Conscious Experience in Speaking and writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Cresti E. Corpus di Italiano parlato. v. 1. Firenze: Accademia della Crusca, 2000.

Du Bois J, Cumming S, Schuetze-Coburn S, Paolino D. Discourse Transcription, Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics 4. Santa Barbara: Department of Linguistics, University of California,

Du Bois J, Chafe W, Meyer C, Thompson S, Englebretson R, Martey N. Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English, Parts 1-4. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2000-2005.

Fleiss, J. L. Measuring nominal scale agreement among many raters. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 76, No. 5, 1971: 378–382.

Izre’el, Mello H, Panunzi A, Raso T. (Eds.). In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A Corpus-Driven Approach. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming-a.

Izre’el, Mello H, Panunzi A, Raso T. In Search of a Basic Unit of Spoken Language: Segmenting In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A Corpus-Driven Approach. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins, forthcoming-b

Mello H, Raso T, Mittmann M, Vale H, Côrtes, P. Transcrição e segmentação prosódica do corpus C-ORAL-BRASIL: critérios de implementação e validação. In: RASO, T.; MELLO, H. R. (Ed.) C-ORAL – Brasil I: Corpus de referência do português brasileiro falado informal. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2012. p. 125-176.

Martin Ph. The Structure of Spoken Language. Intonation in Romance. Cambridge: CUP, 2015.

Martin Ph. Intonation, structure prosodique et ondes cérébrales. Introduction à l’analyse

prosodique. London: ISTE, 2018.

Mertens P. L’accentuation de syllabe contiguës. ITL. 1992: 95/96: 145-165.

Mertens P. Syntaxe, prosodie et structure informationnelle: une approche prédictive pour l’analyse de l’intonation dans le discours. Travaux de linguistique. 2008 : 56 : 97-124.

Moneglia M, Fabbri M, Quazza S, Andrea, Panizza A, Danieli M, Garrido JM, Swerts M. Evaluation of Consensus on the Annotation of Terminal and Non-Terminal Prosodic Breaks in the C-ORAL-ROM corpus. In: Cresti E, Moneglia M. (Ed.). C-ORAL-ROM: Integrated Reference Corpora for Spoken Romance Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005. p. 257- 276.

Moneglia M, Raso T. Notes Language into Act Theory (L-AcT). In: Raso, T.; Mello, H. (Ed.). Spoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2014. p. 468-495.

Pierrehumbert J. Phonetics and phonology of English intonation. 1980. Ph.D. Dissertation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980.

Pierrehumbert J. Tonal elements and their alignment. In M. Horne (Ed.), Prosody: Theory and experiment. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000: 11-26.

Raso T, Mello H. (Eds.). C-ORAL-BRASIL I: corpus de referência do português brasileiro

falado informal. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2012.

Raso T, Mello H.; Ferrari, L. (Eds.). C-ORAL-BRASIL II: corpus de referência do português brasileiro. forthcoming

Silverman K, Beckman M, Pitrelli J. ToBI: A standard for labeling English prosody. International Conference on Speech and Language Processing (ICSLP), v. 2, 1992: 867-870.

Teixeira B. Correlatos fonético-acústicos de fronteiras prosódicas na fala espontânea, Master Thesis – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2018.

Teixeira B. & Mittmann, M. Modelos acústicos para a identificação automática de fronteiras prosódicas na fala espontânea. In: Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 2018: 1455-1488.

Teixeira B, Barbosa PA, Raso T. Para a segmentação automática de fronteira na fala espontânea a partir de parâmetros prosódicos. In: Maria José Bocorny Finatto; Rozane Rodrigues Rebechi; Simone Sarmento; Ana Eliza Pereira Bocorny. (Org.). Linguística de corpus: perspectiva. 1ed. Porto Alegre: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018a: 425-446.

Teixeira B, Barbosa PA, Raso T. Automatic Detection of Prosodic Boundaries in Brazilian Portuguese Spontaneous Speech. In: Villavicencio A, Moreira V, Abad A, Caseli H, Ramisch C, Oliveira HG, Paetzold GH. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2018b: 429-437.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Heliana Mello, Tommaso Raso


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