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Charisma – who has charisma and can I get it?


Charismatic speech

How to Cite

Abelin Åsa C. Charisma – who has charisma and can I get it?. J. of Speech Sci. [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];6(2):03-5. Available from:


The article puts forward very intriguing ideas on charisma and charismatic speech. A basic assumption in the article is that we can actually acquire charisma or charismatic expression; it isn‟t meant for just a few selected persons. From the examples of Jobs and Zuckerberg, the question might however arise whether the great charisma of Jobs is due to wording and the content of what is said, or if it is really a result of prosodic expression. Still, there is reason to believe that there are voices more charismatic than others.


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Copyright (c) 2018 Åsa C. Abelin


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