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Ensino híbrido e o estudo da/na natureza
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ensino híbrido
conexão humanidade-natureza
educação ambiental

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RUY, Rosimari. Ensino híbrido e o estudo da/na natureza: potencialidades para o trabalho com temáticas ambientais na educação básica. Ciências em Foco, Campinas, SP, v. 13, p. e020006, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


This theoretical-reflective study approaches the potential of blended learning and the study of nature, in nature, for the study of environmental themes in basic education. The perception that current discourses on the evolution from education to 5.0 education do not seem to appreciate the reconnection between humanity and nature, essencial to face the environmental problems of our century, did us to weave a theoretical framework based on research about the benefits of contact with nature, the systematic study of nature in natural environments and the methodology of blended learning, resulting in a reflective exercise which describes a continuous work of environmental education, with theoretical and practical developments, in 5.0 school that we want: hybrid, with all the prerogatives that technological and pedagogical innovations can offer, but with a focus on reconnecting environment-society, humanity-nature, as fundamental condition for the construction of a socially just and environmentally sustainable and balanced future.

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