Development of new additives of graphene oxide, lysozyme and lecithin with enhanced antimicrobial and mechanical properties for active food packaging applications
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Electrostatic complex.

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FREITAS, Lucas Cavalcanti Escocard; PICONE, Carolina Siqueira Franco; TOLEDO, Antônio Matias Navarrete de; SILVA, Nathalia Cristina Cirone; SATO, Ana Carla Kawazoe. Development of new additives of graphene oxide, lysozyme and lecithin with enhanced antimicrobial and mechanical properties for active food packaging applications. Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, n. 26, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/revpibic262018878. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 maio. 2024.


The need to extend food shelf-life has driven the development of new conservation means. Recently, nanotechnology has been on the spotlight due to the enhancement of material’s properties. In this sense, this present work aimed to study the association of graphene oxide, egg lysozyme and soy lecithin on nanoscale for the development of new and improved food additives. The combinaton of their attributes not only achieved a boost of antimicrobial and mechanical properties, but also presented to be a low-cost technique with mild preparation conditions and enhanced properties, opening path food packaging functionalization and other applications.
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