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The landscape representation
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landscape representacion
nature-interaction city
artistic research

How to Cite

CUERVO PANDO, Alfredo; CASTILLO MORIANO, Carmen. The landscape representation: concomitances. Revista Visuais, Campinas, SP, v. 10, n. 1, p. 114–149, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/visuais.v10i1.19177. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


This article analyzes the results of an artistic research project led by Carmen Castillo Moriano, which explores the interaction between nature and city ​​by defining thematic, formal and expressive aspects. The theme of the project reveals how landscape and urban architecture not only coexist, but that transform and dialogue mutually. The Italian city of Urbino is used as a primary case study, while Matera serves to corroborate the proposed thesis,
demonstrating the universality and applicability of the findings. From the formal perspective, the representation of the landscape is analyzed through three different approaches: the view from the city towards the natural environment, from nature looking towards the city, and from inside the city itself. This triangulation of
perspectives provides a multidimensional understanding of how urban environments and natural elements influence and shape each other, creating a cultural construct
contemporary that reflects the interactions between the two. Drawing is essential in this study, since it facilitates graphic ideation and visual representation of the landscape. Not only does it allow for precise technical expression, but
It also promotes the creation of conceptual patterns that encapsulate the elements fundamentals of the landscape in question. These patterns serve as the core from which
the artistic work is developed, ensuring that each stroke not only captures the aesthetic beauty of the environment, but also effectively communicates the complexity of the dynamic relationship and evolution of both environments.
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