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Patrimony. Culture. Web
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How to Cite

FRANÇA, Carlos. Patrimony. Culture. Web. Revista Visuais, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1–24, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/visuais.v8i1.16571. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


The aim of this article was to take a heterodox approach to patrimony, a vast and complex area of ​​human knowledge that brings together multiple types of expertise, heterogeneous research practices and a plurality of systems of thought. Patrimony is usually considered a territory of undisputed reference for history, archaeology, architecture, and urbanism in the areas of conservation, recuperation, and restoration, having lately assumed considerable importance in the context of teaching and cultural and religious tourism.

Our approach opted for a vision of patrimony that would mainly concentrate on its cultural, humanistic, artistic, and civilizational perspectives, and on the other hand, direct the focus of analysis to areas that include philosophy, art, theory of culture and technique (Web). In that sense, it is also appropriate to highlight in this approach the contribution of some thinkers, whose concepts and problematics have allowed to open new trails concerning the interaction between patrimony, art, culture, and technique.
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