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Walking on the shadow trail: the journey from seeing to absence
Capa: Marta Strambi, "Molotove-me" (detalhe), objeto/performance, 2019.
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How to Cite

ABADE, Jorge. Walking on the shadow trail: the journey from seeing to absence: the way of the gaze until absence. Revista Visuais, Campinas, SP, v. 7, n. 2, p. 124–136, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/visuais.v7i2.15947. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Visual truth, through the seeing, is intimately linked to drawing, especially by the act of designating, which presents itself propositionally. The drawing, immanent to the origin and core of visual arts, does not end in the literal function of designating; its performance has an absolute forming transversality. The way it acts, which proceeds from a concentrated gaze, indicates and hint, also shows and characterizes, but above all it creates an in-visual potential – there, it travels its path towards its transcendence, brings with it own specular content and shadow, all its spectral contained. The act of designate, which is articulated in a speculative exercise, in the plan of appearance, determines loads of properties imbued in the matters, both in content and form. It also creates the being-in-itself of drawing, in its self-reflexivity, which is the identity and autonomous dimension of its concentration, in its in-visuality; this factor is entirely participatory in a shadow underlay, in gaining its potential for transcendence. The heyday of artistic excellence is reached when this transcendence is articulated in a sharing alterity in two ways, between drawing and user. This path of drawing is a way to its truth, where is its own shadow, internal, which confirms its autonomy and also its existence as art, but this shadow is also the one that comes from absences and falls into absence, on the way to finitude.
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