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Image, memory and time in the visuality of childhood history
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Childhood story

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MASIERO, Cláudia Gisele; OLIVEIRA, Luciana da Costa de. Image, memory and time in the visuality of childhood history. Revista Visuais, Campinas, SP, v. 5, n. 2, p. 49–64, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/visuais.v5i2.12361. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Philippe Ariès (1960) was the precursor of the study of childhood history as an  isolated category, being the image the main source of research. After that, numberless of other studies were devoted to interrogating this thema, making use of different sources and perspectives. Seeking to continue the observation of the relationship between image and its visual representation, this study aims to reflect on the image and its complexity, that is, on how it is also a carrier of memory and different temporalities. Therefore, the studies made by Aby Warburg and Georges DidiHuberman and other intellectual people who also dedicate themselves to the theme. This debate will pass by the analysis of the visuality of childhood history, especially by the configuration of the Childhood Stories exibition, held at São Paulo Assis Chateubriand (MASP) Art Museum, in 2016, in which two pieces of art dialogue in a special way: The Pink and Blue painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and one of the photographs from the Brasiliana Teimosa series by Bárbara Wagner.
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