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Referencing Guidelines

Below are some examples of common references with information for quotations. Omission situations must follow ABNT NBR 6023-2018 standards or, ultimately, uphold the future accessibility of the quoted source by the scholarly community. Where possible, indicate the quoted pagination. In case of online references, include in the end: “Available at: [link]. Accessed on: [date].”


SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle (if any). City: Publisher, Year.

E.g.: COLI, Jorge. Vincent van Gogh: a noite estrelada. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2006, p. 11–12.

Book chapter

SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle (if any). City: Publisher, year.

E.g.: JUNIOR, Martinho Alves da Costa. O que é fundamental ao historiador da arte. In: JUNIOR, Martinho Alves da Costa (ed.). Amável leitor: ensaios de arte e cultura. Juiz de Fora: Editora UFJF/ClioEdel, 2019. E-book. Available at: Accessed in: 2 May 2020.

Academic work

SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle [if any]. Submission year. Type of work [thesis, dissertation, monograph] (Degree [specialization course, masters, PhD] and course in parenthesis) – academic affiliation, location, defense year, quoted page.

E.g.: MAGALHÃES, Ana Gonçalves. Claude Monet: “A canoa sobre o Epte” e “A ponte japonesa sobre o laguinho das ninfeias em Giverny” do MASP. 1995. Dissertation (MA in History) – Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences, State University of Campinas, 1995. Available at: Accessed on: 2 May 2020.

Article in conference annals or report

SURNAME, Name. Title of the work. In: Event’s name, event number (if any), year, location. Title of the event’s annal or report. Publishing location: publisher, year.

E.g.: CAVALCANTI, Ana Maria Tavares. O conceito e a função da arte na visão de um pintor brasileiro entre os séculos XIX e XX – uma leitura dos cadernos de notas de Eliseu Visconti (1866–1944). In: ENCONTRO DE HISTÓRIA DA ARTE, 1, 2004, Campinas. Atas do I Encontro de História da Arte: Revisão Historiográfica: O Estado da Questão. Campinas: IFCH/UNICAMP, v. 1, 2005.

Article in periodical publication

SURNAME, Name. Article’s title. Periodical title in bold. Publication location (if any), volume, periodical number, publication date.

E.g.: CHRISTO, Maraliz de Castro Vieira. A pintura de história no Brasil do século XIX: Panorama introdutório. ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura, v. 185, n. 740, Nov.–Dec. 2009. Available at: Accessed on: 2 May 2020.

Audiovisual documents

Audiovisual references and films must follow the model below:

NAME of the movie. Direction: Director’s Name. Production: Producer’s Name. Location: production and distribution by, release date, support specifications.

E.g.: BLADE Runner. Direction: Ridley Scott. Production: Michael Deeley. Los Angeles: Warner Brothers, c1991. 1 DVD (117 min), widescreen, colour.