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Guidance for Completing Metadata

During the process of submitting manuscripts on OJS platforms, authors are requested to provide a series of information about the submitted text, called article metadata. Completing it properly at the time of submission facilitates the work of the Editorial Team and the authors themselves, if the text is approved for publication. All completed fields may be changed in the future by the Editorial Team.

Below, we present some guidelines for correctly filling out these areas, in section 3, “Enter Metadata”. The data is repeated in two languages: that of the submitted text (i.e. English, Spanish, French, Italian) and in Portuguese.


Title, subtitle and abstract:

Prefix: leave blank.

Title and subtitle: do not use capital letters. Normally, a colon separates the title from the subtitle between the two fields. The use of the colon when filling out these two fields is not required. If the principal version of the title/subtitle is in English, Spanish, French or Italian, a Portuguese translation must be included in the second fields which appear below each textbox.

Abstract: between 500 and 800 characters with spaces. If the principal version of the abstract is in English, Spanish, French or Italian, a Portuguese translation must be included in the second field which appears below the “Abstract” textbox.


In the list of authors

First name: enter the first name and all surnames, except the last one. This includes parts of surnames formed by articles or contractions (da, de, du, della, La, etc.).

Surname: Only the last surname, except in cases of suffixes (Júnior, Filho, Neto), compound surnames (hyphenated, for example) or double surnames usually used by authors in referencing (generally as referenced in the CV Lattes).

Preferred Public Name: leave blank.


Supplementary Data:

URL: for authors registered in the Lattes curriculum, insert the stable profile link.

ORCID ID: profile link in ORCID. If you do not have one, you can quickly create it here:

Institution/Affiliation: full name of the last institution to which the author is linked. Ex.: State University of Campinas.

Biography Summary: last degree or description of the relationship with the previous institution. Ex.: PhD student in History at the State University of Campinas. 



Keywords: between 3 and 5 keywords.

Area of Knowledge: disciplines, areas of knowledge, fields of study. Ex.: History of Art; Visual studies; Archeology, etc.

Languages: enter the main language code for the text. Portuguese: pt; English: en; Spanish: es; French: fr; Italian: it.

Funding agencies: if the work is related to one or more funding institutions, write them in full.

Coverage: this is generic data about the spatial and temporal location of the text content. E.g.: Brazil; XIX century; Europe; Middle Ages.

Rights: insert the following link:

Type: write ‘Text’.