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The trials of an African Abraham
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How to Cite

SLENES, Robert W. The trials of an African Abraham: The Brazilian Nation Arborning in the Allegorical Travels oj Johann Moritz Rugendas. Journal of Art History and Culture, Campinas, SP, n. 2, p. 271–294, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.



PDF (Português (Brasil))


Richert, Johann Moritz Rugendas, pp. 16, 17; Carneiro, Rugendas no Brasil, pp. 32-33.

Carneiro, Rugendas no Brasil, pp. 38-40.

Carneiro, Rugendas no Brasil, pp. 43, 47.

Elvers, Victor Aimé Huber, Vol. |, p. 288.

Richert, Johann Moritz Rugendas, p. 139; Elvers, Rudolf, Victor Aimé Huber: sein Werden und Wirken, 2 Vols., Bremen, Verlag von C. Ed. Múller, 1872, 1874.

"5 Yu, Eun-Sang, Die Grundzúge der sozialen Gedankenwelt von Victor Aimé Huber, Tese de Doutorado, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 1986, pp. 11-23 (biografia de Huber).

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