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Landscape representation and environmental criticism
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Victor Frond (1821-1881)
Charles Ribeyrolles (1812-1860)
Painting/Brazil/19th century
Photography/Brazil/19th century

How to Cite

SILVA , Maria Antonia Couto da. Landscape representation and environmental criticism: commentary on the album Picturesque Brazil by Charles Ribeyrolles and Victor Frond. Journal of Art History and Culture, Campinas, SP, n. 10, p. 83–97, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


This article analyzes the landscape representation and the environmental criticism present at the album-book Picturesque Brazil, edited in 1861. The publication had its editorial project signed by Victor Frond, text by Charles Ribeyrolles and lithographs, produced from photographs, also by Frond. Picturesque Brazil was the first travel narrative to be published in the country containing illustrations obtained from photographs. Its authors aligned themselves to an intellectual tendency related to a 19th century environmentalist body of ideas, which defended the end of slavery as a necessary step for the establishment of a non-destructive relationship with Brazilian natural space. Criticism to nature destruction was also present in the works of other traveler artists, painters and photographers in 19th century Brazil.

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FROND, Victor. Brazil pittoresco [Texto de Charles Ribeyrolles]. Paris: Lemercier Imprimeur-Lithographe, 1861.

NOTÍCIA do Palácio da Academia Imperial das Bellas Artes do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Tipographia Nacional, 1842, apud DIAS, Elaine Cristina. Félix-Émile Taunay: cidade e natureza no Brasil. (Tese de doutorado), UNICAMP, IFCH, (Prof. Dr. Luiz César Marques Filho), Campinas, 2005, p. 408.

RIBEYROLLES, Charles. Brasil Pitoresco: history, description, voyages, colonization, institutions. Illustrated with landscape engravings, panoramas, landscapes, habits, etc., by Victor Frond. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia; São Paulo: EDUSP, 1980, p. 239.

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