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Exposure, concealment, contemplation
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female sexe
male visuality

How to Cite

COLI, Jorge. Exposure, concealment, contemplation: the gaze and the female sexe. Journal of Art History and Culture, Campinas, SP, n. 16, p. 131–146, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This essay raises a number of points in relation to contemplation of the female sexe, through empirical analysis of paintings, photographs and films arranged on a comparative basis. Female pleasure, being internal or hidden, gives rise to restricted male visuality because it is al- ways inaccessible. These hidden and mysterious aspects may at times determine sacralization of the contemplative gaze. However, even when there is no sacred aura and lecherousness prevails, mystery continues. To understand the male gaze in relation to depictions of the female sexe, and understand the specific features of these representations, is to discover the different ways of these images and how they are engaged in cultural spheres. In this universe, using these procedures, ‘pornography’ as a concept, is of no use for classificatory, methodological, analytical purposes, or for any other aims that might be ascribed to it. To the extent that it exists, if it really must ex- ist, such a notion may belong to the sphere of morality, rather than art or aesthetics.

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SAVATIER, Thierry, L’Origine du Monde, Histoire d’un tableau de Gustave Courbet. Bartillat, Paris, 2006, p. 160.

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